Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our very first Writer Interview I decide to question someone who I'v had a close eye on, and has shown great interest and passion in the game since i met him. He keeps showing improvement and is DEDICATED. He is soon to be a widely talked about Artist, and I predict him going places.

Today I interview Dome, WTScrew:

1. What do you write, and is there any meaning behind the name?

Dome: I write Dome 2. The meaning behind the name is that dome covers everything!

2. What crews do you represent, and what artists do you mostly write with?

Dome: I represent WTS, We The Shit, Whacking Tired Sluts; and I guess I write with Enokz alot.

3. When and where did you start writting, and who were your influences?

Dome: well, i strated 3 years ago in florida.. my influences were OE, Noxer, and everyone around me.

4. Where do you like to paint the most?

Dome: uum...everywhere, doesn't matter to me.

5. Any interesting stories you have of you painting?

Dome: last time I went painting with Enokz and Gackt, It was just me and Enoks at the start and we racked some cans then met up with Gackt and we were painting at this one spot so we decide to try and stay out by tellin' our moms that me and Enokz are stayin' at each outhers houses but actually saty Gackt's place. So we go over but her dad flips out and we get kicked out. Now it;s us three just wondering around Hollywood at night and so we gets some McDonalds and keep walkin' twords Gackt's mom's house. We stop and ask some girl for directions and as she's speeking I catch a taga and she askes if im actually Dome. I say yeah, and she said, damn you got my friend arrested. I say oh damn, you mean IDK!?

6. What artists do you admire the most?

Dome: Um Probably Cresr, he is mad laid back and has a crazy style.

7. Have you ever been arrested or chased?

Dome: Yo iv been arrested and chased!

8. What cans do you use the most or prefer?

Dome: well I like Valspar cans there like Ironlak but i really like Rust-o cans. It just comes down to what I can get my hands on.

9. Do you see your self painting in the future, years from now?

Dome: yeah until I die.

10.How do you view Graffiti?

Dome: an outlet for people to express them selfs to the world.

I took most of these questions from MIAMIGRAFFITI.com

1 comment:

  1. OOOOOOOH! so now they recognize DOME!
    The man is good tho.
